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Pied Pipers Sirens Call

Following sounds on the soft night air, 

In a haze of sleep, they hurried to catch,

The alluring melody above their reach

Forcing their bodies to move beyond their will,

Her song on the wind almost too soft to hear,

only the damned would dear near,

A sirens call sickly sweet,

Always a promise of another beautiful death.

From our pits, we were pulled,

Carried on the wind by her call,

Never sensing the screaming cold,

Always follow among the fold.

Down the streets and into her safety,

Illusions for the ill-fated,

Into her soft arms as she whispered her song,

  Her black cape billowed against us, 

Folding us into her faith,

Without a word all was gone,

Not a taste nor a trace of our presence,

Nothing but the sound of the sirens call to follow.

A peaceful pied pipers song.

~ Jess Bagnall

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