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Cinderella's Eternal Doom

Cinderella, fair and kind.
Locked away, wishing for a miracle.
Legs bound by coarse rope, mice nibbled at her tiny feet.
Blood dripped onto the floor in dark puddles, no place for hope.
Cinderella, almost blind.
The dark stealing her vision.
Arms broken, left to heal crooked, unusable.
She lay on her side no tears left to shed.
Cinderella, always confined.
Nowhere to go, no room to sit.
Surrounded by faeces, her own of course.
Cinderella, no more in mind.
Broken and gone, there is no one home.
Beaten one too many, she was no longer there.
Cinderella, no longer defined.
Body left to rot, no food, no water.
Skin and bones, clothes left to drape of her.
Rags covered in dungeon slime, green and brown.
Cinderella, unable to unwind.
Always alert, never able to sleep.
She would lay there awaiting her beating.
Unable to fight, unable to walk.
Cinderella always denied.
Her right to live, her right to mourn.
Her life, bound to this cell.
Smells of rotten flesh and cold, damp floor.
Cinderella lost and alone.
Lay there prone, awaiting her deathly throne.

~ Jess Bagnall

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