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Beastly Beauty

Gather my followers and listen as I tell, for this a tale we all know well.
A great beauty she held, although her father would never tell. Her mother just like her, alas she fell, to a dreadful affliction of delivery.
Her daughter, the great beauty, to be cursed afoul.
Beauty grew with the towns watchful eye, with innocence still in play they were content.
She had a love of books for they spoke volumes however this taught her well, never to trust any man.
Beauty did not take heed. One fateful night with her nose in a book, she had lost track of her foot and stumbled into a wall. No not a wall, a man.
He was tall, stocky and …. smelled like mulled wine?
Well, this gentleman was nothing of the sort.
He pounced poor beauty and stripped her of dignity, shredded her innocence. He robed her the chance of a loving embrace.
Left, broken and tormented, torn and abused, she lay on the damp cobblestone flooded with blood, sweat and tears.
With a deafening screech she ripped at her skin, it flew on the streets in tatters like wet, limp cloth.
The beast jumped forth from her form, that beauty gone for all who dare to mourn.
She stalked the streets by day and night to hunt any man out for a nice little slice while she ate them alive.


~ Jess Bagnall

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